Starlight Group caters for children aged 2 years to 2 1/2 years and Sparkle Group caters for children ages 2 1/2 years to 3 years. Both groups can cater for 16 children in total.
During a child’s second year of life, we aim to continue to provide a warm and safe environment for the children to gain a better sense of themselves and the world around them. We hope to provide the skills for the children to become confident in their own abilities and choices, as well as having the competences required to have a go and bounce back after setbacks. We aim to provide an environment that encourages the children to become more independent, giving them the time, space and voice to begin to understand their own feelings and emotions, as well as those of others.
At this time, we continue to focus on the prime areas of learning, while introducing the broader concepts of the specific area too.
As a child turns three, we hope to provide them with the ability to maintain short periods of concentration. We hope this enables them to engage in a meaningful way with others through play and have the ability to talk in short sentences, sticking to main topics of conversation.
We aim to help the children begin to understand their emotions through sensitive conversations and experiences, along with maintaining consistent rules and boundaries. In turn we hope that the children will begin to learn how to express their emotions in appropriate ways.
As the children make their transition to preschool, we aim for them to be more independent with their self-care skills (e.g. washing hands, putting on own coat and shoes, etc), as well as having the ability to use the toilet independently. By this point children should have the ability to move in a variety of ways (e.g. running, climbing, jumping accurately) and take part in more measured risky play. Last but not least, we hope that the children are willing to try different textures of foods and have the ability to eat and drink independently, using the correct tools to do so.
^All dependant on each child’s age, stage and ability. Our curriculum is very much tailored to each child’s individual needs.